


约瑟夫•米勒, 即将从传统骨科医学院毕业, 我在劳雷尔维尔长大, 俄亥俄州. 他毕业于迈阿密大学,主修生物学和医学预科,辅修伦理学. 他在俄亥俄州立大学获得神经学学位. 他的兴趣是神经免疫学和癫痫,他希望能获得奖学金.

问:你的童年是怎样的? 谁是你的灵感来源? 有没有什么重要的事情让你走到这一步? 

乔·米勒: 我在俄亥俄州乡下长大,家里有九个孩子,我排行老二, 在我们的土地上建造堡垒总是有一些有趣的事情可做, 骑摩托车,在院子里打棒球和踢足球. 我一生中大部分时间都是在家上学,高中时才上过公立学校, 所以我们的暑假经常是在各种建筑工作上度过的. 作为一个孩子,我读了很多书,看了很多电影. 所以,我认为我最大的灵感来源于这些场景. 其中一个对我特别有意义的人物是电影里的文森特·弗里曼 千钧一发. 在电影中, Vincent comes from a disadvantaged identity compared to his competitors but has big dreams 和 wrestles with imposter syndrome throughout the movie. 不管他出身贫寒, 他实现了他的梦想, 我认为这反映了我在医学上的历程. 


I knew from an early age that I enjoyed helping others 和 had a passion for science of all sorts but especially for medical science. 很小的时候, 我祖父心脏病发作了, 和, 从我们在家上学开始, 我们可以在医院呆上一段时间. His cardiologist explained the vascular system as a central train station with train tracks that ran throughout the body to deliver supplies to the rest of the body. 这对我来说很有吸引力,因为我还是一个对人体如何工作很感兴趣的小男孩. 我想说,这是我决定攻读医学院的关键时刻. 


我刚上医学院的时候, I had my first tonic-clonic seizure 和 was subsequently diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy 和 a large arachnoid cyst. This complicated the first year of school as my neurologist 和 I worked on figuring out the correct combination of antiseizure medications 和 losing my driving privileges. 值得庆幸的是, there were multiple individuals at OUHCOM who were there to provide support when needed 和 were in my corner from the get-go. 虽然这是一个改变人生的诊断, 这也是为什么我对神经学领域充满热情的一个重要因素, 我期待着将来能照顾和我有类似情况的病人. 


我想说,我在医学院学到的最重要的一课就是什么时候该说不,什么时候不该说. Medical school 和 medicine are filled with opportunities to engage in new opportunities 和 pick up additional obligations; however, if these obligations aren’t in line with your true interests/passion 和 were instead accepted to pad a CV or due to feeling pressured, 它们可能会很快累积起来,导致精疲力竭. 而不是, I found it very valuable to assess whether the opportunity was something that I was genuinely passionate about 和 whether I could contribute significantly to the position given my current obligations. 如果这两个答案中有一个是否定的, I would politely decline as the opportunity would add additional stress 和 may interfere with my performance in other realms. 

你参与过研究吗? 如果有的话,你能分享一下你的工作吗? 

在进入医学院之前的间隔年和医学院期间,我都积极参与了研究. 在医学院之前, I worked as a clinical research coordinator with the rheumatology 和 immunology department at OSU where we were working on identifying biomarkers for fibromyalgia in patients’ serum using spectroscopy 和 elucidating the role of various autoantibodies in autoimmune conditions. 在医学院, I first worked as a musculoskeletal research fellow at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital with an HCOM alum where we developed a novel classification system for pediatric lateral condyle fractures that could be used without arthroscopy 和 examined the utility of physical therapy for these types of injuries. 在大流行早期, I began working on projects examining the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in patients with multiple sclerosis on B-cell depleting therapies 和 the adherence to best practices in epilepsy telemedicine visits for pediatric patients. 最近, I finished a collaborative project with SNMA colleagues that examined disparities in epilepsy diagnosis 和 management in high-income countries 和 have begun collecting data for a project I received grant support for that examines the demographic variability of multiple sclerosis 和 any factors that may contribute to diagnostic delay. 


I am excited to be entering a field that will allow me to care for patient populations that I am most passionate about, to have the opportunity to continue research that will improve neurologic care for disadvantaged populations 和 exp和 our knowledge of these conditions, 加入我认同的医生团队, to contribute to the future of medicine by working with 和 educating medical students 和 to continue serving the communities in 俄亥俄州 that have contributed to the person 和 soon-to-be physician that I am today. 

一路上谁帮助过你? 有你想认识的人吗? 

作为第一代医学毕业生, 如果没有前辈们的指导和支持,我不可能取得今天的成就. Dr. Fran Blais 和 Andrea Brunson were invaluable resources during my preclinical years who helped me acclimate to the medical school l和scape 和 helped set me up for success early on. Dr. Tirisham Gyang at 俄亥俄州 State has been a unwavering advocate for my success in neurology 和 has provided countless opportunities in research that have allowed me not only to pursue my passions but also offered early networking opportunities with local 和 national leaders in the field. 最后, 没有朋友和家人的支持,特别要提到我的兄弟以赛亚和妻子, 哈雷, 这些成就即使不是不可能,也会困难得多.


在我的空闲时间,我喜欢花时间与我的妻子,哈利,狗,哈克和芬恩. 我喜欢徒步旅行和旅行,目前正在执行一项访问美国各地的任务.S. 国家公园. 我参观了63个国家中的18个,并抓住一切机会再去一个. I also enjoy cooking 和 started craft brewing with some friends during my first year of medical school which were great passive hobbies for medical school. 


为即将到来的和现在的HCOM学生, 我想强调在你的医学教育中保持开放的重要性. You may come in thinking that you are interested in X specialty but you may fall in love with another specialty 和 if you aren’t willing to change your original goals, 你可能会人为地把自己隔离在可能不是你真正热爱的事情上. 另外, I would be remiss to not reiterate to HCOM students the importance of considering the social determinants of health when providing care on clinical rotations 和 in your future as providers. 医学可能会变得非常繁忙,如果你放任不管,对这些因素的考虑可能会成为事后的想法, 但它们可能是你的病人和最佳结果之间的主要因素. 所以,为了你的病人着想,请尽可能解决这些因素.