


bet8九州登录入口一年级办公室 & Student Transitions (FYrST) will be hosting the inaugural 俄亥俄州 First-Year Conference on Wednesday, 1月24日, 2024年9点开始.m. – 3:30 p.m. in 贝克大学中心.

由大学常务委员会共同主办, the First-Year Council and the Office of First-Year and Student Traditions (FYrST), the First-Year Conference is an annual event at 俄亥俄州 that allows for all within the University community to come together to share and learn from one another about trends and issues 俄亥俄州 first-year students experience.


9:00 a.m. 办理登机手续

9:30 a.m. 欢迎评论

10:00 a.m. 会话块#1(展开查看会话描述)

贝克230 -数字对话:支持一年级学生的技术 

主持人: 科特尼·希尔,朱莉·奇奇,还有乔伊·科布 

Join us for a roundtable discussion where OIT facilitators will present key technological milestones encountered by first-year students and discuss ways that OIT works to equip students for success. 这次会议的大部分时间将用于小组讨论, providing participants a platform to highlight their successes in engaging first-year students with technology, 目前在支持技术使用方面的挑战, 并为影响学术成功的创新提供机会. 

Baker 231 - Fostering Success Beyond the Classroom: Collaborative Learning Insights for First-Year 俄亥俄州 University Students 

主持人: Elizabeth Fallon, John Akoeda和Agam Syahrial

在bet8九州登录入口, 一年级学生接受专业教授的课堂指导, 但他们的教育之旅超出了传统的课堂设置. 在演讲厅之外, 学习成为一个动态的过程, and the Academic Achievement Center (AAC) recognizes the significance of collaborative and group learning experiences. AAC co-presenters will illuminate the manifold ways in which incoming college students stand to gain from the power of learning experiences.

贝克233 -帆布Kickstart俄亥俄学院

主持人: 坎迪·莫里斯和贝基·西蒙斯

会议简介: Join the Office of Instructional Design to kickstart your exploration of Canvas. 专为bet8九州登录入口的教师设计的, 这个会议涵盖了一些关键的方面,比如启动课程创建, 利用模板的好处, 选择和bet8九州登录入口俄亥俄创建的模板, 探究学生观点, 并从Canvas和俄亥俄州获得宝贵的支持资源. 

Baker 235 - Building vs Burning Bridges: Relationship Advice from Administration and 教师 to Maximize Student FYE Success

主讲人:Andrew Pueschel和Wendy Merb-Brown

This session explores the experiences of two highly engaged educational developers as they reflect on their successful (and not-so-successful) navigation of the complex academic culture at a large public mid-western university. Through best practices and lessons learned from both the administrator and faculty perspective, 所涵盖的主题将包括建立伙伴关系, 技能培训, 课程开发, 资源共享, 利益相关者的参与影响了第一年的教育休假

贝克239 -职业生涯早期. 职业生涯往往. 职业生涯无处不在. 

主持人:Aaron Sturgill & 阿什利·比蒂·史密斯

This session highlights the value and impact of early career conversations for first-year students. We’ll explore the collaboration between academic advising and career services and offer tools and resources to implement into your practice. Participants will gain actionable insights and strategies to enhance their approach to student success.

11:00 a.m. 会话块#2(展开查看会话描述)

贝克230 -授权学习社区领袖:职业准备 

主持人: Itrat Sultan, Ebenezer Agorsor和Amish Askri

We delve into how bet8九州登录入口's Learning Community Program shapes the leadership and communication competencies of its learning community leaders (LCLs). Employing a qualitative phenomenological approach grounded in Transformational Leadership Theory, 我们与lcl进行了10次半结构化访谈. 专题分析揭示了加强方案的模式, guiding optimization for first-year student success and offering valuable career preparation aligned with NACE Competencies.

贝克231 -信息安全:在课堂内外! 

推荐者: 里根Neviska

The Information Security Team will provide insight on how instructors and other staff working with students can incorporate cybersecurity best practices and topics into the classroom through collaboration with the Security Team. In this digital age, almost every career interfaces with the internet in some way. This presentation will discuss the relevancy of cybersecurity to any department, and how small steps can improve the University Community’s overall security culture.

Baker 233 - Creating for Good: First Year Experience with a Purpose and a Sense of Belonging 

推荐者: 斯蒂芬妮·艾格斯

机械工程 & Energy Engineering learning community instructors are committed to creating a welcoming experience for all new majors that incorporates both academic and social settings. 通过合作, joint activities were designed to engage all mechanical and energy engineering first-year students, 不管学生们被录取在UC 1900的哪个部门. 其中一些经验将在本次会议上讨论.

Baker 237 - Understanding the Unique Needs of a First Year Regional Campus Student

主持人: 阿什莉·塔特曼和贝丝·巴恩斯

在本次会议上, participants will learn about regional campus students and how they often differ onals withfrom students who choose to attend a residential campus. Lead by student services professionals with nearly 30 years of combined regional campus experience, we willifferen discuss the process of college choice for regional campus students, 轶事特征, 建议的差异, 地区学生可能遇到的障碍或挑战, 留存率统计和努力.


主持人: 迪迪·奇尔科特和克里斯汀·迪斯特尔

The news of being placed on probation can be devastating for our first-year students. 存在混淆, 挫折, and even denial centered around this academic status and what it means for a student’s academic future. This session's purpose is to facilitate a discussion on best practices in working with students in academic recovery, 以及如何利用数据支持新的推广和干预, as well as to identify lingering gaps for our students who are at risk for probation status.

12:00 p.m. 主讲人

博士图片. 辛迪·安·基尔戈在印第安纳大学报道
Dr. 辛迪·安·基尔戈(他们/他们)

Dr. 辛迪·安·基尔戈 (they/them) recently completed service as the Interim Co-Director of the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and holds the rank of Associate Professor at Indiana University. 他们的研究领域包括高影响力的教育实践, the college experience for minoritized student populations and the facilitation of institutional change processes toward more inclusive and equitable campus environments.

Their research has been published in the Journal of College Student Development, 高等教育, 高等教育研究, 高等教育杂志, 同性恋杂志, Journal of Diversity in 高等教育 and The Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 其他出版机构. 他们的书, 支持LGBTQ+学生的成功:包容性校园实践的工具, 于2020年10月上映. They were named the recipient of the 2021 Association for the Study of 高等教育 (ASHE) Early Career Award and a 2022 recipient of the Indiana University Trustees Teaching Award.

1:30 p.m. 会话块#3(展开查看会话描述)

贝克230 -同侪对第一年经验的看法

主持人:一年级办公室 & 学生转型学生领袖

第一年经验的关键组成部分之一是同伴联系. Join this facilitated panel to hear from student leaders in the 一年级和学生的过渡 Office who work directly with 俄亥俄州 first-year students. Panelists will reflect on their experiences working in Bobcat Student 取向 and Learning Community Programs, and attendees will have a chance to ask questions about peer 订婚 in the first year.

Baker 231 -继续与Dr. 辛迪·安·基尔戈 

推荐者:博士. 辛迪·安·基尔戈

Join our keynote speaker for continued dialogue about the content of their presentation, 他们以前的工作经历, and how the information shared can be applied to your work with first-year students. 

贝克233 -bet8九州登录入口生活体验:创造包容性, 引人入胜的, 以及bet8九州登录入口第一年的繁荣社区 


Housing and Residence Life believes all students should have an intentional residential experience that will provide them with opportunities to build relationships with other Bobcats, 将他们与校园资源联系起来, 并在俄亥俄建立归属感. bet8九州登录入口生活体验(BLE)统一了幸福的目标, 健康的关系, 和归属感融为一体, 故意设计的, 为一年级学生安排生活和学习经历. 

贝克235 -教学混乱的学习者


This presentation will summarize recent research into the characteristics of Gen Z and the effects of the COVID disruption on college students. 虽然疫情继续影响学生的准备工作, 订婚, 课堂期望, the pandemic merely accelerated changes that instructors already were noting in students. 根据这项研究, participants will consider how to adjust their instructional practices to support the academic success of today’s learners.

Baker 237 -为大学准备搭建暑期桥梁项目

主持人:Medea Loibl和Ashlee Tatman

在本次会议上, you will learn about the benefits of summer bridge programs and get hands on tools on how to build a curriculum that is relevant for first-year students. Showcasing the existing summer bridge program at 俄亥俄州 Chillicothe we will discuss program components and provide ideas for collaboration, 合作伙伴关系, 还有资金和推广策略. Join us to learn how to get first-year students college ready and to build strong relationships from day one!

贝克239 -加强大学欢迎体验

主持人:Zach Graman和Didi Chilcott

Brainstorm ideas to help enhance the College Welcome experience for First-Year Students. 大学学院 Advising and Student Services will host a discussion to share of ideas and key events that are facilitated in College Welcomes across various academic units with the goal of enhancing the experience for all students. Examples of successful activities will be critical to improve student 订婚. Developing belonging begins at BSO and is further developed during the first week on campus.

2:30 p.m. 会话块#4(展开查看会话描述)

贝克230 -实践利用技术为学生的成功, 透明的教学和课程效率 

主持人: 梅琳达·拉霍斯·迪萨沃和埃兹蒂·罗勒少校

One of the most significant challenges first-year students experience relates to the hidden curriculum. They come without an understanding of implicit and embedded assumptions about higher education in contrast with the formal statements about curricula and their academic programs. 会议将讨论:1)减轻认知负荷的技术、设计. 2) Teaching and learning with technology to promote learning 3) Technology across courses and curriculum to connect and support.

Baker 231 - 俄亥俄州's Interactive NSSE Dashboard: Moving From Date to Actionable Insights 

推荐者: 苏泽特伯林盖姆

俄亥俄州 has a publicly available interactive dashboard of NSSE results for the past four administrations (2014, 2017, 2020, 和2023年). 参与指标的纵向和同行比较数据, 高影响力的实践, 和专题模块, there is a wide range of quality data provided by our undergraduate students to help inform decision-making and institutional improvements. We’ll explore navigating the NSSE dashboard and discuss how you can use it to drive informed change.

贝克235 -通过学术援助培养第一年的归属感 

主持人: 希瑟·沃尔夫和克里斯汀·迪斯特尔

First-year students’ sense of belonging is an important factor in retention and persistence. This sense of belonging includes academic confidence and aptitude; however, a gap in preparation can threaten first-year students’ performance and sense of belonging. 我们的演讲将讨论学术成就中心的服务, 包括Rufus Ready, 辅导, 及学术辅导, that develop academic skills while simultaneously fostering a sense of belonging for first-year students.

贝克237 -我们的学生有多少王牌?  

推荐者: 乍得Barnhardt

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) are potentially tragic events that occur before a child reaches the age of 18. 由于虐待、忽视和家庭挑战,ace可能会产生终身影响. It is estimated that 2/3 of individuals have experienced at least one ACE and more that 1 in 5 have experienced three or more. This presentation is designed to understand and reframe how we view the experiences of our students.

Baker 239 -Being a First-Year Bobcat as a Junior: Supporting Students with Dual Enrollment (DE) Credits Throughout the First Year

主持人: 克里斯·昆弗,扎克·格拉曼和雅各布·哈斯金斯

DE provides access for 7-12 grade students to earn college and high school credit. Many students enter 俄亥俄州 as first-year students having earned an associate degree. How do we support the holistic needs of this growing population of first-year students across programs and disciplines? Participants will share perspectives from working with students with DE credit and will be facilitated by Advising & Student Services staff in 大学学院 who advise DE students on the 雅典 campus.


There are multiple ways 俄亥俄州 faculty and staff can get involved with 俄亥俄州's First-Year Initiatives.

  • 登记参加会议


  • 申请小额资助

    The First-Year Mini-Grant application process has closed for this academic year. 2024年秋季将公布下一个周期的细节.

  • 提交展示计划书

    Proposal submissions for the 2025 俄亥俄州 First-Year Conference will open in Fall 2024.


如果您想了解更多信息或有问题, 请给Wendy Merb-Brown发邮件, 一年级和过渡学生(FYrST)项目的副院长 merbw@俄亥俄州.edu.